Voice over in frenc and foreign languages
Discover our voice catalogue in more than 40 languages! Specialists in French voice over and its many and varied regional and international accents, we offer a wealth of professional voice over talents. All you need to do is choose from our online demos. We also offer a bespoke casting service. Feel free to contact us for your every request!
Fast turnaround times for our recording
Efficiency and speed are our watchwords. We assist you in the selection of your voices and work with the actors, cutting time.
Quality and customer focus
To guarantee reliable content, we offer constant control of your recordings: cleaning the soundtrack, checking the script and voice…
We assist and support you in designing a high-quality product.
Upon request, we also offer translation and copy checking services…
Musée du Quai Branly, TF1, National Geographic, Mucem, Cité de l’Espace, TSR, Publicis, Sanofi…
The studio and methodology
With rigorous concern for the quality of our recordings, we provide an end-to-end service: customised casting, study of your budget, focus on your expectations, quality control.
We offer our voice over, mixing and integration services in video and audio with the addition of royalty-free music.
Just send us your detailed needs and we will provide you with a quotation tailored to your project.
Discover our catalogue opposite. You can select the language of your choice from the dropdown menu.